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Speak with Confidence

When you hear that you need to do public speaking and give a presentation in front of someone else, what happens? Do you get excited and ready to show off all of your speaking skills or do your hands start to sweat, your heart start to pound fast, and you get nervous? If you are like most people, then the latter probably describes you and anything to do with public speaking is not fun in your book. Never fear though, anyone is able to improve their public speaking skills with a little bit of work. As you will see in this guidebook, the steps to becoming a great public speaker are not hard or a bit secret, they are there for everyone to enjoy. We will walk you through these steps and make sure that you are ready to take on the world and improve your public speaking skills. To speak in public, you do not need to be born with the gift of gab or naturally be good at it. Sure, some people do seem to possess these skills and that can be frustrating to those of us who may have to work a little harder. But even if you are horrible at public speaking and have struggled with this for years, the simple tips in this guidebook will be there to help.

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Speak with Confidence.

Many people worry about public speaking and how hard it is to prepare for a presentation, speaking on Zoom, or interacting with others through public speaking. Fear of judgement and worry about making mistakes can turn the whole process into something that everyone dreads.

Speaking Plainly But Effectively:

 The Key to Success One of the first things that we need to work on when it comes to public speaking is to figure out the right way to get the message across. While there will be some variations in how you do this based on the audience and the topic that you need to discuss, there are some general rules that you are able to follow, regardless of the situation. Many people who get into public speaking think that they need to be impressive all the time or no one will listen to them at all. They want to use big words and complex thoughts to get the point across. But this does not work all the time. It can make it hard for the audience to figure out what is being said and may ruin the message. Plus, when you are trying to be impressive, rather than focusing on the message at hand, you may get in over your head, which will make you more nervous than before. Instead of worrying about all of that fancy talk and big words, it is time to take it in the other direction. Speaking plainly is going to be a more effective tool to getting the message out to the audience you are working with. This doesn’t mean you have to dumb down all of the information that you are presenting.

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